Rule Number 23.001: Special Handling


Publication Date: 12/04/2009

Effective Date: 01/03/2010

Through Date:

Expiration Date:

Amendment Code: I, A

Special Use Number:

Request #: CHAHOSA105  


Crane Charges - When large or unusual shapes are encountered, the following special handling charges will be assessed:

        $ 15.00 per man-hour

        $150.00 per hour crane time

 25 ton maximum lift; 1 hour minimum charge, thereafter charges assessed by quarter hour.


Trinidad: In addition to charges above, the following is applicable to cargo destined to Trinidad only: (I, A) Effective 01/03/2010.

 Out of Gauge containers will be assessed an additional charge of $250 per move when neither the ship’s crane nor the shoreside crane can be used by itself; or the shoreside crane cannot facilitate cargo because the cargo exceeds standard parameters. Rates may also be subject to Overweight Equipment Surcharges stated in Rule 10.043.  (I, A) Effective 01/03/2010.


Inoperable Vehicle: Transferred from Rule 23.044

Vehicles which cannot be started due to a run down battery, dead battery, or due to other mechanical causes shall be

assessed a special handling charge of $25.00.