Rule: Overflow |
Publication Date: 03/15/2005 |
Effective Date: 04/17/2005 |
Through Date: |
Expiration Date: |
Amendment Code: A, C |
Special Use Number: |
Request #: SUSPASS180 |
When cargo is received at Carriers' container yard (CY) or container freight station (CFS) and Carrier is responsible for
loading the cargo into a Carrier owned or leased piece of equipment the below minimum volume will be guaranteed for
and for rating purposes subject to the maximum weight limitations as set forth
in this tariff.
Minimum volume guarantee for Carrier Loaded containers:
20’ Container
850 CFT
40’X Container
1700 CFT
20’ Refrigerated Container 750 CFT
40’ Refrigerated Container 1500 CFT
Cargo which exceeds the capacity of the container shall be considered overflow
cargo and will be subject to additional charges.
Overflow cargo shall be rated based on the applicable overflow rate established in Carrier's Tariff and subject to the applicable
accessorial charges for LCL cargo. If there is no overflow rate established for the specific commodity, the full container load net
ocean freight rate applicable to the Carrier Loaded cargo will be used to calculate the overflow ocean freight rate by dividing the
full container load net ocean freight rate by the minimum volume guarantee cubic feet of the container. Overflow ocean freight rates
subject to the applicable accessorial charges for LCL cargo.
Example 1:
Customer delivers 880 CFT of cargo and Carrier is able to load 850 CFT into the
container. Cargo exceeds the capacity of the
by 30 CFT and no overflow rate established.
A) Shipment Total CFT 880 CFT Less (minimum volume guaranteed) -
850 CFT (20' Container)
Overflow 30 CFT
B) (Full-load container load ocean freight rate) / 850 CFT = Rate per CFT
C) 30 CFT X Rate per CFT = Ocean Freight on for the overflow cargo.
Customer delivers 870 CFT of cargo and carrier is able to load 830 CFT into the container. Cargo exceeds the capacity by 20 CFT
and no overflow rate established.
Shipment Total CFT 870 CFT
Less minimum volume
guarantee 850 CFT
Overflow = 20 CFT
(Full-load container load ocean freight rate) / 850 CFT = Rate per CFT
C) 20 CFT X Rate per CFT = Ocean Freight for the overflow cargo.