Rule 301O – General Rate Increase |
Publication Date: 05/14/2013 |
Effective Date: 06/16/2013 unless otherwise indicated |
Through Date: |
Expiration Date: |
Amendment Code: A, I |
Special Use Number: |
Request #: JACBROD352 |
Except as otherwise provided for in individual rate items, Open Tariff and Service Contract rates for cargo moving between ports listed below will be subject to the following
General Rate Increase (GRI) effective June 16, 2013 (I, A, C)
A. Between the British Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, Turks &
Caicos, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands:
20' Equipment
40' X Equipment
Over 40' Equipment
Vehicles not exceeding 700 CFT - Each
Vehicles exceeding 700 CFT
Barrel - Each
Pallet - Each