Rule 29 – Symbols |
Publication Date: 10/16/2000 |
Effective Date: 10/16/2000 |
Through Date: |
Expiration Date: |
Amendment Code: C |
Special Use Number: |
Request #: |
Add'l. Additional
A.I All Inclusive
A.V. or Ad. Val. Ad Valorem
A.M. or a.m. Before noon, morning
A.Q. Any quantity
Ave. Avenue
B.B. Breakbulk
Bbl. Barrel(s)
Bdl(s) Bundles
B.F. Board Foot or Feet
B/L or BOL Bill of Lading
B.M. Board Measurement
B/O Belgian Origin
BTN Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
B.T.U. British Thermal Units
Bu. Busnel
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor
CBM Cubic Meter
CFS Container freight station
CKD Knocked down
Cont'd. Continued
Ct. Cents
Ctr/Ctnr Container
Cu. Ft. or CFT Cubic feet
CWT One-twentieth of a weight ton
CY Container yard
D Dangerous
Diam. Diameter
D/O Dutch origin
Ea. Each
EAN Except as otherwise noted
Eff. Effective
Etc. Etcetera
F. Fahrenheit
FAF Fuel adjustment factor
FAK Freight all kinds
F.A.S. Free alongside ship
F.F.A. Free From Alongside
FCL Full containerload
F.I. Free in
F.I.O. Free in and out
F.I.O.S. Free in, out, and stow
FL or Fla. State of Florida
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
F.O. Free out
F.O.B. Free on board
F/T Freight-Ton
Ft. Foot/Feet
Gal. Gallon(s)
G.O. General Order
GRI General Rate Increase
GT Gross Ton
H/L Heavy Lift
H/H House to House
H/P House to Pier
H.P. Horsepower
I.D. Inside diameter
i.e. That is
I.M.O.C. Int'l Maritime Consultive Organization
in. in/inches
incl. Including
Int'l. International
I. & S. Iron and steel
K.D. Knocked down
KDF Knocked down flat
KGS, Kgs, Kilo(s) Kilogram(s)
K.T. Per 1,000 Kilos
l. Length
Lash Lighter aboard ship
Lbs. Pounds
LCL, LTL Less than container (trailer) load
L.F. Lineal foot or feet
L.S., LS Lumpsum
L.T. Per 2,240 Pounds
Ltd. Limited
M/MS Measurement ton of one cubic meter
Max. Maximum
MBF, MBM One thousand board feet
ME State of Maine
MFT Per thousand feet
Min. Minimum
MPC Minimum per container
MPC 20 Minimum per 20 ft. container
MPC 40 Minimum per 40 ft. container
N.B. Note below
NES Note elsewhere specified
NJ State of New Jersey
No. Number
N.O.S., NOS Note otherwise specified
O.D. Outside diameter
orig. Original
PC. Per Container
PC 20 PT 20 Per 20 ft. container (trailer)
PC 40, PT 40 Per 40 ft. container (trailer)
P/H Pier to house
Pkd. Packed
Pkg(s) Packages
P.M. or p.m. Afternoon, or evening
P.P. Freight to be prepaid
P/P Pier to Pier
Rev. Revised
SITC Standard Int'l Trade Classification
S.O. or S/O Ship's option rate yielding greater revenue must be charged
S2S Surfaced Two Sides
S4S Surfaced four Sides
S.E.D. Shipper's Export Declaration
S.I.S. Sheet Iron or Steel
SQF Square foot/feet
SQM Square meter(s)
S.U. Set Up
T/Ton Ton of 1000 kgs or 1 CBM as freighted
TFL Trans Freight Lines
T.L. Trailer Load
T.T.S. Telegraphic Transfer Selling Rate
TLI Tariff Line Item
Thru Through
U.R. Under Refrigeration
U.S. or USA United States of America
U.S.C.G. United States Coast Guard
U.S.P. United States Pharmacopeia
VA State of Virginia
Viz. Namely
W/WT Weight ton of 1000 kgs.
WM Per 1000 kgs or 1 CBM, ship's option, whichever yields the
greater revenue must be charged
AC |
Atmosphere Control |
TR |
Trailer |
FB |
Flatbed |
TC |
Tank |
FR |
Flatrack |
RE |
Refrigerated |
GC |
Garment |
PL |
Platform |
OT |
Open top |
PC |
Dry |
N/A |
Non Containerized Cargo |
Less than Container Load |
Chilled |
Frozen |
N/A |
Not Applicable/Not operating |
RE |
Refrigerated |
AC |
Artificial Atmosphere Control |
Ventilated |
Less than Container |
20 |
20 Foot |
8’6” |
28X |
28 Foot |
40 |
40 Foot |
8’6” |
40A |
40 Foot |
9’0” High Cube |
40B |
40 Foot |
9’6” High Cube |
40S |
40 Foot |
8’0” |
40X |
40 Foot |
Any Height |
43 |
43 Foot |
8’0” |
43A |
43 Foot |
9’0” High Cube |
43B |
43 Foot |
9’6” High Cube |
43S |
43 Foot |
8’0” |
43X |
43 Foot |
Any Height |
45 |
45 Foot |
8’6” |
45A |
45 Foot |
9’0” High Cube |
45B |
45 Foot |
9’6” High Cube |
45S |
45 Foot |
8’0” |
45X |
45 Foot |
Any Height |
53 |
53 Foot |
8’6” |
53A |
53 Foot |
9’0” High Cube |
53B |
53 Foot |
9’6” High Cube |
53S |
53 Foot |
8’0” |
53X |
53 Foot |
Any Height |
A IMO Stow category A
B IMO Stow category B
C IMO Stow category C
D IMO Stow category D
E IMO Stow category E
HAZ Hazardous
B |
Barge |
R |
Rail Yard |
D |
Door |
S |
Container Station |
H |
House |
T |
Terminal |
M |
Motor |
U |
Rail Siding |
O |
Ocean Port |
X |
Team Track |
P |
Pier |
Y |
Container Yard |
BS......Bottom Stowage
OD......On Deck
X......Times (measurement to weight ratio factor)
%......Per Cent
#......Pounds/or Number
A....... Increase
C....... Changes in wording which results neither an increase or a reduction
D....... Delete
E....... Exceptions to a general change
I....... New Initial matter
N....... Reissue Matter
R....... Reduction