Rule 16 – Hazardous Cargo


Publication Date: 08/07/2008

Effective Date: 08/07/2008

Through Date:

Expiration Date:

Amendment Code: C

Special Use Number:

Request #: EVEMURP1


A. Shipments of Dangerous Articles or Hazardous Materials will not be accepted for transportation on an origin or interline basis except where:


1)   Certifications as required by law are properly annotated on the Bill of Lading, Shipping Order or Receipt where Carrier takes possession of the shipment under the provision of this tariff.



    2)   Annotation on the "Transfer Shipping Paper" (as defined in 49 CFR, Parts 100-199) where shipment is tendered to Carrier by interline or connecting carriers.


B. The following hazardous cargo listed below will not be accepted for transportation by Carrier or its connections:

    (As defined in CFR-49 parts 100-177, and the IMDG code).


    Class A and B Explosives (Classes 1.1, 1.2, all compatibility groups)

    Class A and B Explosives (Classes 1.3, compatibility groups A, B, C, D, E, F H, J, K, L, N, S)

    Class C Explosives (Classes 1.4, compatibility groups A, B, C, D, E, F H, J, K, L, N)

    Blasting Agents (Class 1.5, 1.6) 
    Infectious Substances (Class 6.2)
    Radioactive Materials (Class 7)
    Hazardous Waste Materials
    Gasoline except Kerosene, Avegas, Diesel

    LCL shipments of Ammunition - Exception: LCL shipments of ammunition under Class 1.3G, 1.4G, and 1.4S may be accepted by Carrier provided

    all other requirements stated herein are met.  Exception: LCL shipments of Ammunition cannot be accepted for destination Trinidad (C)

C. Where shipment has been accepted by Carrier for Transportation and subsequently an error is found in the required certification, packaging, or other lawful requirements, all damages or penalties actual or consequential, shall be for the account of the party required to provide such certification, packaging or other lawful requirements.


D. Where the Transfer Shipping Paper makes specific reference to "Certification Annotation on Original Bill of Lading", such will be accepted in lieu of duplication of certificates on the Transfer Shipping Paper. Transfer Shipping Paper refers to such papers as Freight Waybill, Way Bill, Express Way Bill, Vessel Manifest, Vessel Cargo List, or Exchange Bill of Lading Shipping Order. Such Transfer Papers shall show thereon all the information required by this section and shall also contain information sufficient to identify the preceding Shipping Paper.


E. When, as required by law, it is necessary to separate hazardous cargo from the original container to other containers to insure safe movement on Carrier's vessel, such cargo will be considered a separate shipment and will be rated accordingly, and appropriate handling charges will also be assessed.


F. The transportation of explosives, flammables, corrosive materials, compressed gases, combustible liquids and other hazardous articles will be governed by the following regulations, as applicable:

    1) United States Code of Federal Regulations - 49 CFR, Parts 100-199.

    2) Federal Register HM-181, as a supplement to 49 CFR, Parts 100-199.

    3) IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code)


G. All shipments are subject to proper marking, labeling and placarding.